Rachael Bayliss

Pilates Instructor
Rachael first experienced Pilates whilst studying dance at university. Fascinated by the body and how applicable the fundamentals of pilates were not only to dancing but to life; it sparked her interest.
Rachael has an undeniable passion for movement so in 2017 when she ruptured the ligaments in her lower back, she was devastated. She was in her early 20s and unable to put her socks on without pain. Her physiotherapist advised her to start practicing Pilates again.
For the next two years Rachael attended Pilates classes at her local gym, but it wasn’t until she discovered a Body Control Pilates teacher that the magic of Pilates was unveiled. Within two months of practicing with her local BCP instructor, her back pain was gone.
The attention to detail and knowledge from her instructor inspired Rachael to train to become a Level 3 Body Control Pilates Instructor.
Rachaels intention and aim is to share the gift of pain free movement that Pilates can provide.
Rachael has recently moved to the area from London and brings with her a passion for Pilates.
‘Change happens through movement and movement heals’ Joseph Pilates