Classes Info
Beginner Pilates
A mat-based Pilates class designed for beginners, those returning to Pilates, and those who wish to improve their intermediate or advanced level practice. Participants will assume a variety of postures during class, including standing, laying down, and kneeling. If you have trouble with positions, the instructor is happy to make modifications.
Intermediate Pilates
An intermediate Pilates class is recommended for those who have been practicing Pilates and who have attended a recommended minimum of 20 beginner level classes. Due to the pace of the class, it is also recommended that if you have an active health condition or pain that you consult with one of our skilled physiotherapists prior to commencement of class.
Stretch class for men
For men wishing to improve their flexibility, core strength, balance and ease of movement. Participants will assume a variety of postures during class, including standing and laying down.
Standing Pilates
A Pilates class for those who wish to stand during class. This class focuses on full body mobility, strength, and balance. Standing Pilates may include the use of props to enhance the experience. This is an excellent class for those with osteoporosis.
Total Beginners Pilates
An excellent class for individuals who are completely new to Pilates or who wish to understand the Pilates principles of movement. This class is gently-paced and is designed as a precursor to Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced classes. This may also be appropriate for those who have practiced Pilates but wish to re-visit principles. A combination of standing, sitting, laying down and kneeling may be used. If you have difficulty with transitional movement, please be aware that your instructor will be happy to assist you get up and down from the floor.